Chinese Artists | 中国艺术家

  • Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网

Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网

  • Product description: Liu Zhongyang- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网

刘忠阳,字云风,1967年生于河北省衡水市。自幼酷爱书画艺术,后师从国务院特供画家蒋治义学习国画。现任重庆市歌乐山书画院理事,重庆市巴南区沧白书画院副院长,重庆电视台老根书画院会员,重庆市工艺美术协会会员,河北省内画大师,华港书画研究院院士,重庆国画院分院副院长。1989年偶遇恩师内画大师王习三第子刘子艺学习内画技艺。学习期间颇受老师爱戴,经常表扬和鼓励使我再内画方面得到很快的提高。其作品曾被美国、日本、新加坡、加拿大等国际友人收藏。在刘忠阳的笔下,一草一木,一花一叶,纵放旷达,不受拘束,富有激情。刘忠阳对艺术的坚执与不倦的创作,让他一步步走到了现在,当之无愧是当代实力派画家。2018首届中国重庆,【夔州工匠杯】【五福临门】获得银奖。2018年5月参加翰墨当代一中国第七届书画大赛,经大众评审团票审,荣获优秀奖。2018年5月参加第四届全国书画美术大赛中,作品荣获优秀奖。2018年5月参加全国第五届书画大赛中,作品经评审入选,评为优秀奖。2018年7月在《第三届. 兰亭微展》活动中,作品拥有较高关注度,获得一致好评,特授予优秀奖。

Liu Zhongyang called Yunfeng who was born in 1967 in Hengshui, Hebei province. He was very fond of calligraphy and painting since his childhood, and later studied Chinese painting by Jiang Zhiyi, a special teacher from the State Council. He is the director of Chongqing Geleshan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, vice president of Cangbai Academy of Calligraphy and Painting in Banan District of Chongqing, member of Laogen Academy of Calligraphy and Painting in Chongqing TV Station, member of Chongqing Arts and Crafts Association, master of painting in Hebei Province, academician of Huagang Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, vice president of Chongqing Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting. In 1989, I met Liu Ziyi, the master of inner painting, and Wang Xisan, the master of painting. During the study, I was very much loved by the teachers, and I often praised and encouraged me to improve the interior painting again. Its works have been collected by international friends such as the United States, Japan, Singapore and Canada. Under the pen of Liu Zhongyang, all plants, trees, flowers and leaves are broad-minded, unrestrained and passionate. Liu Zhongyang's persistence and tireless creation of art, let him step by step to the present, worthy of contemporary strength painters. 2018 the first China Chongqing, [Kui Zhou artisan Cup] won the silver award. In May 2018, he participated in the 7th Contest of Calligraphy and Painting of Contemporary China, and won the Excellent Award after being examined by the public jury. In May 2018, he won the award of excellence in the fourth national calligraphy and painting art competition. In May 2018, he participated in the fifth national calligraphy and painting competition, and his work was selected as an excellent award. In July 2018, in the "Third Lanting Microexhibition" activities, the work has a high degree of concern, won unanimous praise, awarded an outstanding award.