The hole Lingyuan male was born in 1951 in Lankao County in rural areas of Henan Province, the seventy-sixth generation sun Confucius, now Zhengzhou City Calligraphers Association members, members of the Zhengzhou old Calligraphy Research Association, Zhengzhou City Calligraphers Association members, Zheng Dong New District Calligraphy Association one of the sponsors, executive director of Zheng Dong New District Calligraphers Association, Henan Dahua Calligraphy Academy, a member of Chinese artists association.
The author of his childhood love of calligraphy, the junior high school as the "Cultural Revolution", was appointed by the school, closed to street wall "professional writing slogans" and "Chairman Mao card". From 1974 onwards, as rural electrician 27 years has repeatedly Lankao electric power bureau should employ the county in the main traffic arteries and the substation electrical safety Wall writing slogans, and idiomatic writing written by double hook, double hook each stroke gradually converted to the whole word one double hook, line does not repeat, do not cross, for days after the double hook calligraphy has laid a good foundation.
2011 settled in Zhengzhou, has made many friends Zhengzhou calligraphy, I double hook calligraphy and everyone in the learning, communication and discussion has been extended, works have been selected from all walks of life in Zhengzhou calligraphy exhibition held in all walks of life, and the award-winning works "and song" by the Henan Provincial People's Congress of People's Republic of China was founded in 65th anniversary to celebrate the calligraphy exhibition collection; General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Jiao Yulu" Memorial Museum in Macao "the viewpoint" pictorial "for the Organizing Committee; 2015 since poetry teacher Jia Qingping comrades together" in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Pingdingshan, opened the exhibition works; "Linjiang Xian - the Yangtze River flowing east" and other ten works, a total of four Chinese style magazine group in Hongkong the publication of "famous brand" China era magazine 2017 sixth issue. In the cultural and artistic development of Sotheby's in Kaifeng, the Sino Australian Calligrapher's Association held the Sino Australian Shuangcheng painting and calligraphy exhibition and won the excellence award.
Double hook calligraphy, meaning before. No words, no words, clear words, prospects in the pen. I just follow the word edge trace, line is not repeated, but do not cross, not backing a draft, forming, or regret, and write calligraphy entities are two completely different writing concept. The difficulty is the experience that many calligraphers and even calligraphy have not experienced.
Although the double hook calligraphy in the calligraphy circles mixed, but because of my more than 50 years of writing experience, still insist on never turn back. Not only delights, and got many friends of affirmation, appreciation and collection, and works to have the painting market in Zhengzhou.
孔令元 男 1951年出生于河南省兰考县农村,孔子第七十六代孙,现为郑州市金水区书协会员,郑州老年书法研究会会员,郑州市书协会员,郑东新区书法协会发起人之一,郑东新区书协常务理事,河南大华书画院院士,中国书画家协会会员。
2011年定居郑州,逐渐结识了许多郑州书法界友人,我的双勾书法艺术在和大家学习、交流、探讨中得到了延伸,作品曾多次入选郑州各界举办的各界书法展,并多次获奖,作品《谦和歌》被河南省人大庆祝中华人民共和国成立65周年书法摄影展收藏;习近平总书记的《追思焦裕禄》收藏于澳门《中华视点》画报组委会;2015年自作诗《为贾青平老师战友相聚》曾在郑州、开封、洛阳、平顶山联展;作品《临江仙• 滚滚长江东逝水》等十幅作品共四页在香港华夏风情杂志集团出版的《中国时代名牌》杂志社2017年第6期刊登发表。在开封苏富比文化艺术发展心联合澳大利亚书法家协会举办的中澳双城书画展中荣获优秀奖。
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