Chinese Artists | 中国艺术家

  • Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网

Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网

  • Product description: Jiao Guangming-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
焦光明  字寒墨、号兼味斋、山西省晋城市高平原村乡皇王头村人。晋城市城区文联副主席、人大代表;晋城市委高级[书画]专家;北京人民画院国家一级美术师;书法报晋城工作站站长;山西省书协会员;原中国书协会员。国家开放大学书法学院就读研究生;中国书画研究院理事;国际艺术家协会顾问。
1985年7月参加中国书协举办的18个国家和地区国际书画大赛获(军人组)银奖; 受到原书协主席启功先生亲笔点评,国家主席杨尚昆同志亲切接见。
2010年获中国楹联书画展联墨创作奖;全国第六届“金鼎杯”书画大赛金奖等; 11月应国家文化部邀请随团赴欧洲六国参加“巴黎中国传统文化艺术交流” 同年作品“东方之冠”入展世博馆永久收藏并由国家邮电总局制作成珍藏版纪念邮票全国限量发行。
2011年元月作品被中央电视台书画频道“迎春书画展”滚动播出;2月获第二届全国诗书画印四绝大赛一等奖;3月应邀参加《石景宜 博士杯——华夏书画作品大赛》优胜作品北京巡回展。
2015年3月与我国著名书法家沈鹏、欧阳中石等10人合编出版发行了【国学典藏】一书;11月1日在北京国家图书馆举办了“太行墨子”---焦光明书法精品个人展;并由中国文联出版社发行了“中国当代书法家”焦光明 卷个人专辑;中央电视台及50多个权威主流媒体进行了全方位报道。
2016年3月受到城区电视台专题采访报道; 5月接收晋城电视台面对面栏目专题采访播报。


Jiao Guangming's characters are cold ink, Hao and Wei Zhai, and Huang Wang tou village of high plains village in Jincheng, Shanxi province. Deputy Chairman of Jincheng City Literature Federation and deputy to the National People's Congress; Senior Expert of Jincheng Municipal Committee [Calligraphy and Painting]; National First Class Artist of Beijing People's Painting Academy; Head of Jincheng Workstation of Calligraphy Newspaper; Member of Shanxi Calligraphy Association; Former Member of China Calligraphy Association. He is a postgraduate student of the School of Calligraphy and Law of the National Open University; a director of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting; and a consultant to the International Artists Association.
His works have been compiled into more than 50 world classics, such as The History of Chinese Hard-pen Calligraphy, The Great Canon of Chinese Hard-pen Calligraphy, The Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Seal Engravers, The Grand Canon of Art Presented by the World Expo, The Grand Canon of Invitational Exhibitions of Chinese Calligraphy and Fine Arts, The Great Canon of Chinese Calligraphy Seal Engravers in the Twentieth Century, etc. The deeds were compiled by Jincheng Party committee into the book "Love this hot land". At the same time, they were also covered by CCTV calligraphy and painting channel, European Times, Chinese Literature and Art News, Youth Digest, Calligraphy Newspaper, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper, Calligraphy Guide, Calligraphy and Painting Research, Shanxi Economic Report, Shanxi Metropolitan Daily, Taihang Daily and other newspapers.
In July 1985, he participated in 18 national and regional international calligraphy and painting competitions sponsored by the Chinese Calligraphic Association and won a silver medal. He was personally commented by Mr. Qigong, the chairman of the former Calligraphic Association, and was cordially received by Comrade Yang Shangkun, President of the State.
In August 1986, he participated in the first national calligraphy competition of "Moyuan Qunfang" co-sponsored by China Calligraphy Association and CCTV and won the first prize.
In July 1994, he was invited to participate in the handwriting and calligraphy exhibition of famous contemporary Chinese celebrities.
In October 1996, he won the second "art Cup" calligraphy award in China.
In December 2001, it won the gold prize of the first Chinese calligraphy and painting exhibition in twenty-first Century.
In 2010, he was awarded the Joint Ink Creation Award of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, the Golden Ding Cup of the Sixth National Painting and Calligraphy Competition, etc. In November, he was invited by the Ministry of Culture to join a delegation to six European countries to participate in the "Paris Traditional Chinese Cultural and Art Exchange" in the same year's work "Crown of the Orient" in the permanent collection of the World Expo and was made into a collection by the State Administration of Posts and Telecommunications The commemorative stamps are issued nationwide.
In January 2011, his works were shown on CCTV's "Yingchun Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition". In February, he won the first prize of the 2nd National Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Printing Competition. In March, he was invited to participate in the "Shijingyi Doctor Cup - Huaxia Painting and Calligraphy Competition" in Beijing Tour Exhibition.
In October 2012, his works participated in the 15th Chinese Contemporary Power Painters and Calligraphers Auction. His works were sold in Hong Kong.
In May 2013, his works participated in the "Lishu Cup" Chinese calligraphy competition and won 100 nominations.
In August 2013, he participated in the "the Yellow River soul China dream" national calligraphy and painting art competition, and won the two prize of calligraphy art.
In October 2014, he participated in the Beijing Century Monument "Liuxiang China" Ten People's Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition. He was interviewed by CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Channel and other media, feature film reports.
In March 2015, a book entitled "Chinese Studies Collection" was published in collaboration with 10 famous Chinese calligraphers Shen Peng and Ouyang Zhongshi. On November 1, an exhibition of "Taihang Mozi" - - Jiao Guang's fine calligraphy was held in the National Library of Beijing. CCTV and more than 50 authoritative mainstream media have reported in all directions.
March 2016 by the city television special interview report; May received Jincheng TV face-to-face column special interview broadcast.
In October 2017, he participated in calligraphy and national workstation stationmaster, and won the collection prize in Hubei Seoul calligraphy exhibition.