王国章,男,汉族,1959年出生。黑龙江佳木斯市人。毕业哈尔滨师范大学艺术学院美术系。笔名:艺勤墨人。现居住上海市松江区。自幼酷爱书法艺术及中国优秀的传统文化。20岁参军中国人民解放军0051 9部队政治部宣传科电影放映员工作。业余时间学习研究书法,学习颜真卿勤礼碑,多宝塔。欧阳询楷书,王羲之兰亭序行书,曹全碑隶书等。擅长楷书,隶书,行书,草书书体。行草书体刚劲有力,行云流水,气势磅礴。2014年书法作品被中国与海外杂志发表。201 5年书法作品被中国文化发展促进会大型画册收藏。2015年应邀参加上海百名书画家电视纪录片拍摄。201 5年10月参加全球华人中国诗书画大赛书法作品荣获金奖。2016年参加全国炎黄情书画作品艺术大赛荣获书法作品银奖。201 6年参加文化部全国美术考级书画教师作品大赛荣获书法二等奖。现为中国当代诗书画院上海分院院长。中国书法家协会书法考级注册教师。中国现代书画名家协会行书委员会委员副主任。国家一级书法师。书法作品润格价8000元/平方尺。
Mr. Wang guo-zhang, male, han nationality, born in 1959. Heilongjiang jiamusi people. Graduated from art department of Harbin normal university. Pen name: yiqinmo people. Now lives in songjiang district, Shanghai. From childhood to love calligraphy art and China's excellent traditional culture. Joined the Chinese people's liberation army (PLA) 0051 at the age of 20. In my spare time, I studied calligraphy, studied yan zhen qing's qin li tablet and the pagoda. Ouyang consulted regular script, wang xizhi orchid pavilion preface book, cao quan tablet clerical script and so on. Be good at regular script, official script, running script, cursive script. The writing style is strong and powerful. Calligraphic works were published by Chinese and overseas magazines in 2014. The calligraphic works were collected by the large album of China culture development promotion association. In 2015, I was invited to participate in the TV documentary shooting of 100 painters and calligraphers in Shanghai. In October 2015, he won the gold award for his calligraphic works in the global Chinese poetry and painting competition. In 2016, participated in the national yanhuang love painting and calligraphy art competition and won the silver award of calligraphy works. In 2016, participated in the national art examination competition of the ministry of culture and won the second prize of calligraphy. He is now President of Shanghai branch of Chinese contemporary poetry and painting academy. Registered teacher of Chinese calligrapher's association. Chinese modern painting and calligraphy association board member vice director. National first-class calligrapher.The cost of retouching a calligraphy work is 8,000 yuan/square footage.
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