Chinese Artists | 中国艺术家

  • Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网

Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网

  • Product description: Wang Jinpeng-Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网


Wang Jinpeng is a national first-class artist, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a visiting professor of the Chinese History Museum, an honorary Dean of Dongpo Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, a director of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Creation Center, a member of Fangshan Artists Association, and a chairman of the Fangshan Disabled Persons Association of Calligraphy and Painting.
Mr. Wang Jinpeng is famous for his painted chicken. He painted red chicken for his original creation. He is called the red chicken king.
Mr. Wang Jinpeng studied calligraphy and painting since he was a child. He used three thousand, one thousand knives and paper, one thousand kilograms of ink and one thousand strokes of pen.
Mr. Wang Jinpeng's Chinese painting teacher is a generation of chicken king Li Xianzhang. Master Qi Baishi, a great master of a generation, once said that if we die, this statement profoundly illustrates the profound truth of learning calligraphy and painting.
Mr. Wang Jinpeng really understood and applied the profound meaning of this remark. On the basis of the rooster of Li Xianzhang, the king of chickens in Linxi, he innovated boldly. After years of research, he combined the freehand brushwork with the freehand brushwork, and painted chickens with the freehand brushwork. After continuous sketching and sleeping in the open air, he gradually formed his own painting method.
Mr. Wang Jinpeng graduated from art department. He is very well equipped with an undergraduate's inner culture. Chinese painting is based on Chinese calligraphy.
Mr. Wang Jinpeng's calligraphy, taught by Mr. Zhang Shufan himself, has found the right goal, combined with his diligence and diligence. On the basis of Zhang Ruitou's style in the late Ming Dynasty, he has incorporated the characteristics of Wang Xi's calligraphy, which is very different from each other and has really formed his own style. People say mercury, Zhang Ruitu, Venus Wang Jinpeng.
All books have their basis in painting. Mr. Wang Jinpeng pays great attention to the creation of the outside teacher. He goes out to sketch the storms of life without hindrance. He does not fear the cold and hot weather. He melts himself into the nature. He smells the chicken dancing and accompanies the chicken. He observes the variety of the cock. In Mr.
While deeply studying calligraphy, Mr. Wang Jinpeng combined an artist's unique perspective with materialist dialectics, wrote his calligraphy theory and outline of cursive calligraphy with his unique thinking, sensory perception theory, and his profound knowledge of the past and the present. This book has been published by Lingyun magazine of Fangshan disabled persons' Federation.
Mr. Wang Jinpeng's calligraphy has written his own characteristics, Chinese painting has its own style, and calligraphy theory has profoundly expounded the true meaning of calligraphy from a unique perspective.
Mr. Wang Jinpeng's calligraphy and painting are rooted in tradition and bold in innovation.
Mr. Wang Jinpeng painted chicken, his calligraphy, his theory of calligraphy in one, is a learned and versatile artist. As the road slowly develops, it is hoped that Mr. Wang Jinpeng's artistic path will be wider and wider.