Chinese Artists | 中国艺术家

  • Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网
  • Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网
  • Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网
  • Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网
  • Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网
  • Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网
  • Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网
Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网

Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画网

  • Product description: Jiang Huiwu- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书网

Features of Jiang Huiwu s works:
The work is like a poetic dwelling in the space of the self, emitting a faint fragrance, like ethereal music, which is sung in a foreign space. It conveys the spiritual temperament and formal aesthetic feeling beyond common customs.
The feeling of the picture is very quiet, which is an important feature of his works, All things grow in stillness, so do human life. The quietness of the artist's paintings expresses the good wishes of the soul, which purifies the viewer's weary body and mind. Like a wisp of wind blowing from the sky, dispels the cloud in my heart and scatters the cool dew. The picture is ethereal and full of Zen, which opens the door between the reality and the future of the ideal of the mind to release the way.
The work is free from any subject matter. The characters and the scenery change according to their thoughts. They change from the heart to the heart, and everything comes out of the heart, and the picture changes into a wonderful scene, If it is hidden, it is very near to the beholder, and it seems far away. it is like a dream. it is like a dream. it is as if it were a celestial thing. it is also a false and real thing to experience the beauty of the mind's thinking
The expression is flexible and vivid, full of vivid feeling. Dot, press, the brush touch is delicate and nimble, relaxed and natural, this is the essence of Chinese painting pen, and Western painting with ease of unity. The picture has a far-reaching artistic conception and a far-reaching representation of the spirit in the form and structure, In order to form freehand brushwork, high-minded and high-minded, the Chinese literati's painting was carried out once again, and the painting was finished by heart.
Color is a very important characteristic in his works. Elegant, harmonious, transparent, elegant. Color performance is the main body of Western painting, the Impressionist School to make the picture colorful, the Nabis to harmony perfect to the peak. The color picture of Jiang Huiwu refreshes people's eyeballs and makes one's eyes bright. It's amazing,
The quiet and serene picture, profound artistic conception, elegant color, harmonious picture, poetic beauty and the gentleness of the words come to you, which make the style characteristic of the picture. It's like a family.

Jiang Huiwu, No.
Born in Guizhou in 1969
He is graduated from the Art Department of Guizhou Normal University in 1993. He is graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2003 and is a new literati painting artist. Most of his works have been collected by friendly people at home and abroad.
2017 7th International Landscape Salon Art Grand Prix
2017 Paris International Art Salon Exhibition
2017 Royal Oil Painting and Painters Society Annual Exhibition
2016 Beijing Songzhuang, Shangshang Art Museum Metaphysical Contemporary Art Exhibition
2015 Hong Kong, Asian Contemporary Art Exhibition
2015 Beijing Songzhuang Wutong International Art Museum's solo exhibition
2014 Shanghai International Art Fair
2013 Mastering Children's Painting Exhibition in Songzhuang
2012 Beijing Qingyibao Works Solo Exhibition
2012 his Work exhibited in Beijing Poly 18th Art Boutique Auction
2012 Beijing Songzhuang American Lei Senming Gallery Modern Art Exhibition
2009 Beijing Space Art Gallery Exhibition
One hundred ideal art exhibitions in Songzhuang, Beijing
2008 Songzhuang Art Museum Exhibition
2006 Second Prize of Beijing Tongzhou District Literature and Art Exhibition
2006 Beijing Songzhuang Contemporary Artists Exhibition
2005 Beijing International 8th Art Fair
2004 “Designed Distance Painting Exhibition” was exhibited at the Art Museum of Tianjin Modern Art Institute
2003 Art Exhibition of the First Normal University Art Museum Currently living in Beijing

江会武 ,号空无
1993年毕业于贵州师大 艺术系,2003年毕业于天津美院,新文人绘画艺术家,作品多数被国内外友好人士收藏。
2015年 北京宋庄无同国际艺术馆作品个展
2013年 在宋庄 策划大师儿童绘画展
2012年 北京青艺堡作品个展
2012年 作品参加北京保利第十八期艺术精品拍卖会
2012年 北京宋庄美国雷森明画廊现代艺术作品展
2009年 北京不同空间美术馆画展
2008年 宋庄美术馆画展
2006年 北京通州区文学艺术联合展二等奖
2006年  北京宋庄当代艺术家大展
2005年  北京国际第八届艺术博览会
2004年   “被设计的距离画展”在天津现代艺术学院美术馆展出
2003年  首师大美术馆画展
