Chinese Artists | 中国艺术家

  • Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
  • Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网
Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网

Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网

  • Product description: Dou Xiaohuan- Sydney Academy of Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网

窦小焕,女,专职书画家。1962年10月 出生于陕西咸阳,全日制大学毕业于陕西省咸阳教育学院,西安交大深造进修。在校期间,曾获学院第四届师生书画展优秀作品奖,学院文化沙龙书画展优秀作品奖。窦小焕,自幼接受中华传统文化教育,五岁起随父学习书法,国之魁宝中华书画为之最爱。师从当代书画大师东方一庻先生,篆、隶、行、草、楷均有研习。酷心钻研古今名家国画技法,学习国画大师吴昌硕、张大千、八大山人、李苦禅、齐白石、王雪涛等各大名家的绘画精髓,掌握、运用、发挥、绘画技能,潜心研习、传承、弘扬中华书画文化。

“书画颂盛世 艺术铸丰碑”,窦小焕为2018年全国两会重点推荐艺术家,“诸多书画上两会,各大媒体转纷飞”。作品曾被海内外诸多友人收藏。2018年6月窦小焕在“中国第三届美术大赛”中荣获优秀作品奖。2018中国第八届书画大赛优秀作品奖。全国第十八届“庐山杯”诗书画大赛荣获银奖。2018第21届北京艺术博览会入围奖。首届人民艺术家评选荣获优秀作品奖。



Dou Xiaohuan, a female full-time painter and calligrapher. Born in October 1962 in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, full-time university graduated from the Shaanxi Province Xianyang Institute of Education, Xi'an Jiaotong University for further study. During the school, he was awarded the Excellent Works Award of the Fourth Teacher-Student Painting Exhibition and the Excellent Works Award of the College Cultural Salon Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition.
Dou Xiaohuan, who received the education of Chinese traditional culture at an early age, studied calligraphy with his father at the age of five. The most important treasure of his country is Chinese calligraphy and painting. Under the guidance of the contemporary calligraphy and painting master, Mr. Dongyi, seal, Li, Xing, Cao and Kai are all studying. Deeply study the ancient and modern masters of traditional Chinese painting techniques, learn from Wu Changshuo, Zhang Daqian, Badashanren, Li Kuzen, Qi Baishi, Wang Xuetao and other great masters of painting essence, master, use, play, painting skills, devoted to studying, inheriting and promoting Chinese calligraphy and painting culture.
"Calligraphy and painting extol the prosperous age of art to create a monument," Dou Xiaohuan for the National Two Sessions in 2018 to focus on artists, "a lot of calligraphy and painting on the two sessions, the major media to fly. His works have been collected by many friends at home and abroad. In June 2018, Dou Xiaohuan won the award for outstanding works in the third China art competition. 2018 China's eighth painting and Calligraphy Competition Award for outstanding works. The eighteenth national Mount Lu cup poetry and painting competition won the silver award. 2018 the twenty-first Beijing Art Fair awards. The first people's artist award was awarded the best work award.  "Calligraphy and painting are used to extol the prosperous age of art to create a artisitic monument," Dou Xiaohuan becomes the highly recommended artist of the NPC and CPPCC and her calligraphy and paintings are forwarded and media requests began pouring in. Her works have been collected by many people at home and abroad. In June 2018, Dou Xiaohuan won the award for outstanding works in the third China art competition. At the same year, she got the Excellent Works award in China's eighth painting and Calligraphy Competition. Then she received the silver award in the eighteenth poetry and painting competition of" national Mount Lu cup".  Additionally, she was the nominee in twenty-first Beijing Art Fair Awards and was identified as distinguished artist in " The First People's Artist Award ".   she is currently the consultant of Mao Zedong Calligraphy Research Institute and Deputy Secretary General of Xi'an women's elite Academy of painting and calligraphy. She also is the specially invited artist in calligraphy and painting network of Sydney, y, Australia.Email: