Artist | 艺术名家

  • Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

  • Product description: Wang Donghua - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
王东华(1968—)笔名墨石,号龙山人。现居济南,自幼习画,先后师从欧阳中石、陈梗桥、史雅珍、乍启典、魏启后、朱学达、李兆彩、张宝珠、耿斌、王长水、李福增等先生。自1995年以来多次在北京人民大会堂、全国人大会议中心、钓鱼台国宾馆参加表彰会议并受到党和国家领导人亲切接见。作品多次发表于《人民日报》 《中国艺术经典收藏》 《人民代表报》 《齐鲁晚报》等多家报刊。作品传略被编入《世界书画铭录》 《中国历代书画名家大词典》 《中国当代艺术界名人录》 《新中国八大家》 《推动中国艺术发展30位卓越人物》等几十部辞书。 多次受邀于山东电视台做艺术专访,并为其录制个人书画专题片。作品被山东省图书馆、山东大学及全国文学艺术部门收藏作品百余幅。


Wang Donghua (1968 -), pen name stone, Longshan people. Now living in Ji'nan, he studied painting under the tutelage of Ouyang Zhongshi, Chen Gengqiao and Shi Yazhen successively, at first glance, Wei Qihou, Zhu Dian Kai, Li Zhaocai, Zhang Baozhu Xueda, Geng Bin, Wang Changshui, Li Fuzeng, mr.. Since 1995, many people attended the commendation meeting at the Great Hall of the people, the National People's Congress Center and Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing, and received the cordial reception of the leaders of the party and the state. Many works have been published in people's daily, Chinese classic collection, people's representative newspaper, Qilu Evening News and many other newspapers and periodicals. Biography works was incorporated into the "world record" "Chinese ancient Ming calligraphy painting and calligraphy dictionary" Chinese "contemporary art celebrities" "new" "Chinese eight China promote art development 30 outstanding characters such as" dozens of dictionaries. He was invited to interview with Shandong TV station for many times and recorded his personal paintings and paintings. The works have been collected by Shandong library, Shandong University and the national literature and art department.
Now: national artist, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association China Artists Association vice chairman, Chinese Painting Institute (independent) deputy secretary general, member of Shandong Calligraphers Association of Lixia District of Ji'nan City Artists Association chairman.