Artist | 艺术名家

  • Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

  • Product description: Shi Zhongmin - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

Shi Zhongmin, native of Shanxi, is now living in Jiangsu and has a university degree. A National Book Master, member of China Calligraphers Association, the Chinese Ambassador special ceremony for the artist, CETV ink painting calligraphy calligraphy, painting and calligraphy art researcher China Research Institute of the Ministry of culture, a visiting professor at the Art Institute of Oxford, vice president of the Chinese Culture Research Institute, national famous calligraphy and painting Art Association director, adviser to the people's literature and Art Association of Weifang City branch, honorary president of the art of calligraphy and painting, member of the central state organs Calligraphers Association, member of Chinese couplet society, member of committee China calligraphy couplets society, China singing painting and calligraphy art consultant, academician of Shandong Chinese painting Institute. A painting master, China international modern art research center "senior researcher calligraphy >, Dalian in the world of painting and calligraphy art exchange the center member, China Calligraphers Association life member, vice president of Chinese calligrapher painter net art committee, Badaling xinchangcheng China outstanding artists and Badaling xinchangcheng China culture selected artists list. Has won the "Chinese culture celebrity", "the Chinese nation outstanding artist", "national famous painting artists" China the most valuable collections of painting and calligraphy "," China first network art art exhibition won the most popular calligraphy art masters "and other honorary titles. In September 2015, the calligraphy works were extended to commemorate the Chinese people's Anti Japanese War and the world anti fascist war, and the 70th anniversary national large-scale painting and calligraphy art tour was held. In 2015 December, many works by the Dalian Museum of art collection hung edge of medieval painting and calligraphy art exchange center. In 2015 the national calligraphy artist in calligraphy award, 2016 third "meet in Beijing" the national literature and art works of calligraphy contest won the two prize in 2016, the seventh session of the "Xi Cup" national calligraphy artist Invitational calligraphy works won the first prize. "China dream. The great song" the literary and artistic works of calligraphy contest won first prize, the sixth session of the "Chinese Cup" international calligraphy poem calligraphy and painting art contest won the gold medal, the year 2016 was Chinese cultural households Work Committee and the national celebrity calligraphy art association awarded the "Chinese painting and calligraphy art pride role model", won the 2017 Chinese good brand - brand influence art image ambassador in 2014...... works by the Ministry of culture rengar certification, many countries published stamps and phone cards in circulation, and into the "China calligraphy art masters dictionary". The "prosperous China - painting industry the most contribution to figure 65th anniversary". "The gift - China Saatchi collection network first art exhibition award works" and "commemorating the Anti Japanese War and the world anti fascist war 70th anniversary famous calligraphy and painting collection" and many other large  Art classics. Painting and calligraphy art, art for more than fifty years, he first pro Yan Liu Wang, after learning the book of sunguoting pu... Early to benefit from Mr Lin Sanzhi's coaching sage of calligraphy exhibitions, benefit. After learning calligraphy bold and innovative practice, learned all long, follow the China traditional calligraphy calligraphy writing in the creation process of the rules, based on inheriting the traditional art of calligraphy, ink to fine, fluent writing, smooth lines, give full play to their distinctive characteristics and creation in the actual life, formed its own unique the art of writing style and aesthetic value, to give people beauty and enjoyment of the new. Director of Chinese Calligraphers Association, a high evaluation given the former Qinghai province Shuxie President Wang Yun teacher watched my calligraphy works, he said "Shi Zhong Min Jing Jin calligraphy and elegant style." And gladly wrote a commentary. Beijing International Information Technology Research Institute chief Lv Zhenzhi teacher watched my calligraphy works as I pleased to write an article about it, for my calligraphy works fully affirmed, he said "Shi Zhong min Qiu Jin calligraphy concise, vivid". Because of its unique artistic style and by the majority of painting lovers, collectors and institutions, enterprises and institutions collection and suspension. 

Contact number 13605211558

师忠民,祖籍山西,现居江苏,大学学历。国家一级书法师,中国书法家协会会员,中华国宾礼特供艺术家 ,CETV水墨丹青书画院特聘书法家,文化部中国书画艺术研究院研究员,牛津艺术学院客座教授,中华文化研究院副院长,全国名人书画艺术界联合会主任委员,人民文艺家协会潍坊市分会名誉会长、书画艺术顾问,中央国家机关书法家协会会员,中国楹联学会会员,中国楹联学会书法委员会委员,中国振鸣书画院艺术顾问,山东省国画院院士.一级书画师,中国国际现代艺术研究中心<书法>高级研究员,大连中世书画艺术交流中心会员,中国书画家协会终身会员,中国诗书画家网艺术委员会副会长,中国八达岭新长城优秀艺术家和八达岭新长城中国文化榜入选艺术家。曾荣获“中华文化名人”,“中华民族杰出艺术家”,“全国名人书画艺术家”“中国当代最具收藏价值的书画名家”,“中国首界网络艺术美展获最具人气书画艺术名家”等荣誉称号。2015年9月书法作品入展纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年全国大型书画艺术巡展。2015年,12月份多幅作品被大连中世书画艺术交流中心鸿缘艺术馆馆藏。2015年全国诗书画家创作年会书法作品获特等奖,2016年第三届 “相约北京”全国文学艺术大赛书法作品获二等奖,2016年第七届“羲之 杯”全国诗书画家邀请赛书法作品获一等奖。“中国梦.伟人颂”全国文学艺术大赛书法作品获一等奖,第六届“炎黄杯”国际诗书画艺术大赛书法作品获金奖,2016年度被中国文化进万家工作委委员和全国名人书画艺术界联合会授予“中华骄傲书画艺术榜样人物”,2017年荣获中国好品牌-品牌影响力艺术形象大使称号......2014年作品通过文化部润格认证,多次出版国家纪念邮票和电话卡流通,并入编《中国书画艺术名家大辞典》.《盛世中国—书画界最具贡献人物献礼建国65周年》.《盛世收藏—中国首届网络艺术美展获奖作品集》以及《纪念抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年名家书画作品集》等多部大型艺术典籍。自幼酷爱书画艺术,从艺五十余载,笔耕不辍,先临颜柳二王,后习孙过庭书普…早年有幸得益于草圣林散之先生的点拨指教,受益非浅。后在书法学习实践中大胆创新,博学众长,在书法书写创作过程中遵循中国传统书法的规律,在继承传统书法艺术的基础上,力求笔墨精道,书写流利,线条流畅,并在实际创作生活中充分发挥自己鲜明的个性特征,形成了自己独特的书写艺术风格和美学价值,给人以美和新的享受。中国书法家协会理事,青海省原书协主席王云老师观看了我的书法作品后给予很高的评价,他说“师忠民书法气势沉雄,精劲雅逸。”并欣然挥毫写下了一篇评论。北京国展信息技术研究院总编吕振志老师观看了本人书法作品后为我欣然写下一篇观后感,对我的书法作品给予了充分肯定,他说“师忠民书法遒劲简练,气韵生动”。因其独特的艺术风格而被广大书画爱好者.藏家及机关企事业单位收藏和悬挂。联系电话13605211558