Artist | 艺术名家

  • Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

  • Product description: Fu Chunlin- Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院


Dr. Fu Chunlin was born in 1962 at Shangrao County, Jiangxi Province. He is a member of Chinese Association of Promoting Democracy and a committee member of  Cultural and Art Committee of Shanghai City; He was an art consultant of the Forum on Promotion of E-Commerce in Rural Areas as well as the Forum on World Health Industry held at Boao under the framework of "One Belt One Road". He is the President of Shanghai Ink Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Head of Painting and Calligraphy Institute of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery, Vice Chairman of Chinese Calligraphers and Artists Association, and Professor of Chinese Calligraphers Association. He is a Specialist Painter and Calligrapher for embassies. He is recognized as a Distinguished Art Master of the Chinese people and a National First-Class Artist. He is also a consultant to the Chinese Legal Foundation Reinforcement Committee,  a committee member of Fudan University Research Center; Executive Vice President of Chinese Traditional Culture and Buddhist Academy.

2016年主要成就   法国卢浮宫沙龙终身成就奖  上海慈善先进个人  最具收藏潜力艺术家。书画师从上巨下赞大法师(原中国佛教协会会长)。潜心钻研实践书画艺术数十载。书法精通篆、隶、草、行、楷五书,深得古人书意。其画作尤擅山水、花鸟、人物,大师山水多得魏晋遗风,观之有“小中见大”之意境,蕴含禅意于山水之间;大师的花鸟图,牡丹富贵,仙鹤欲飞,画中所作皆为贞祥之物,每一幅作品都具有蓬勃的艺术生命力和鲜明的艺术风格。

His main achievements in 2016 include: French Louvre Lifetime Achievement Award, the Award for Outstanding and Charitable Individual Shanghai, and was awarded as the Artist whose works possess the best potential value.

He learned calligraphy and painting under Ven. Master Juzan (the former President of the Chinese Buddhist Association). He has been deeply involved in painting and calligraphy for several decades. He is equally proficient in five different styles of calligraphy: Zhuan, Li, Cao, Xing, Cao as practiced by ancient great masters. He is especially good at painting mountains and rivers, flowers and birds as well as people. His mountain and water paintings inherit the style of Wei and Jin Dynasties in which the inner Chan meaning of "big within small" can be seen. In his paintings of flowers and birds, peonies very much reflect prosperity and painted cranes are so vivid that they appear to be flying. The objects in his paintings are always auspicious. Each of his works demonstrates artistic vitality and distinctive style.


Mr. Fu Chunlin is a pious Buddhist. The president of the World Chinese Buddhist Association, Ven. Master Jingxin who is also the abbot of Guangde Monastery, was moved by his sincerity and took Mr Fu as his last disciple. Mr. Fu has been devoting himself to charity work for a long time. Realizing that his personal donations were limited, in March 2008, he started an innovative idea of appealing to the public’s compassion through arts. For the past several years, charity sales of his artistic works were undertaken continuously in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Jiangxi, and Henan provinces. The funds raised were donated to China’s Hope Primary School. Mr. Fu remarked, "Individual effort is limited but collective effort can create a blue sky.”


Over the years, he was actively involved in poverty alleviation activities through his artistic works. His promotion of philanthropy through arts was well-received and praised by people from all walks of life. Through a wolf-hair pen, he spreads a strong sense of social responsibility to eradicate poverty, and to preach the traditional virtue of mutual help and love. Mr. Fu Chunlin believes that "the real value of life lies in the contribution to society and people", highlighting his great love as an artist towards educational needs of the poor. Each piece of the artistic work which he brings to the exhibition embodies his selfless love and painstaking effort. “Mt Taishan is never short of dusts, but it takes a lot of small efforts to create something big". If every artist has a compassionate heart and does something positive like Mr. Fu Chunlin, our society will become more harmonious and beautiful.