Cao Zongtian-Academy of Ar
Secretary General of China branch of International Artists A...
Xu Shaozhong-Academy of Ar
Master of Chinese art inheritance, master of Chinese arts an...
Xiao Aiguo-Academy of Art
He is a member of China hard pen calligraphy association, a ...
Cheng Xiufeng-Academy of A
He is a member of China Artists Association, a senior artist...
Li Jun-Sydney Academy of A
Camels under the double humps of Yinshan Mountain, traces, s...
Li Jian-Sydney Academy of
Member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Chinese Cal...
Wen shanggui-Sydney Academ
Deputy director of Enrollment Office and director of Shenzhe...
Wang Chunwen-Sydney Academ
National first-class calligrapher Member of Hong Kong Calli...
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