Artist | 艺术名家

  • 中外文化交流艺术名家——林汉钦Lin han qin
中外文化交流艺术名家——林汉钦Lin han qin

中外文化交流艺术名家——林汉钦Lin han qin

Lin Hanqin, also known as Dafan Jiudushan Ren and Qingquan.
Visiting scholar and painter at Fangtu Studio of China National Academy of Painting, painter at Xu Qinsong Landscape Studio of China National Academy of Painting, painter at Beijing Shiqi Painting Academy, president of China Academy of Culture, Art, Calligraphy and Painting, director of Da Fan Art Center of National Cultural Innovation Fund, member of China Ethnic Minority Art Promotion Association, and deputy secretary-general of Guangdong Zhigong Calligraphy and Painting Academy.
Born in 1970 into a scholarly family, he has had a passion for calligraphy and painting since childhood. He graduated from the Chinese Painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and has gained recognition and guidance from a group of famous calligraphy and painting masters in China. For many years, he has devoted himself to studying calligraphy and painting, with a unique artistic style. He is skilled in ink wash freehand painting, where the brush moves freely and is born with interest. His works have won numerous honors and awards in the domestic and international calligraphy and painting industry, and have been selected for national, provincial, and municipal art exhibitions and won awards multiple times; Awarded as a proud and influential calligrapher and painter in China in 2017, honored with the title of "National Art Model" in 2021, selected for the "Art China Centennial Collection" in 2022, and held a solo exhibition of "Fan Xin Su Mo" at the Chen Shuren Memorial Hall in 2023.

林汉钦——号大梵 九都山人 字清泉。

1970年出生于书香世家,自幼酷爱书画艺术,毕业于广州美术学院国画系,深得国内一批著名书画大家名师的赏识和指点。多年来潜心研习书画,艺术风格自成一派,擅长水墨大写意画,笔随心转,寄趣而生,其作品荣获国内外书画界众多荣誉奖项、作品多次入选全国、省、市画展并获奖;荣获2017中国骄傲影响力书画家,2021年荣获“全国艺术楷模”荣誉称号,2022年书画作品入选《艺术中国 百年典藏》,2023年在陈树人纪念馆举办《梵心素墨》个人画展。