Mr. Shao culture, male, born in August 1955 in xiamen. Currently he is member of Chinese calligrapher's association, member of China international painting and calligraphy art research institute, Chinese poem calligraphy association deputy secretary-general, Beijing bank officer, vice President of the academy, luoyang c research board honorary chairman, luoyang, vice President of the "shao yung painting", xiamen yanhuang culture research association, deputy director of the calligraphy and painting exchanges across the Taiwan straits, the Canadian institute of the Chinese culture distinguished calligrapher. Consultant to the calligraphy committee of "gan tang academy". Calligraphic works have won many times in the national calligraphy competition; Some of the works are collected by the organizing committee of the national painting and calligraphy competition and state leaders.
In 2012, I participated in the invitation exhibition of famous Chinese calligraphers in the Louvre of France. In 20l3, he went to Seoul, South Korea to participate in the opening ceremony and exhibition and exchange activities of the "Korea exhibition of Chinese calligraphy and painting art". In 2014, I went to Paris, France to attend the opening ceremony of the art exhibition of painting and calligraphy for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the on-site exchange activities. The calligraphy "and wang zhongcheng and wen qin" was collected by the Chinese embassy in France and awarded with the Charles DE gaulle art prize. Many works have been exhibited and collected in more than ten countries and regions including the United States, Canada, France, Britain, Australia, South Korea, Japan and Singapore.
He successfully planned and organized the first and sixth straits cup national painting and calligraphy exhibition, which had a good influence in China. He successfully held two solo exhibitions. In 2016, under the guidance of fujian calligrapher's association and hosted by xiamen calligrapher's association, xiamen library successfully held a personal exhibition titled "heart follows han dream -- shao culture calligraphy works exhibition", displaying nearly 100 works. In 2017, guided by the fujian provincial calligrapher's association and the Chinese poetry and painting association, and hosted by the xiamen tongan district and xiamen calligrapher's association, a personal calligraphy exhibition titled "" moxiang silver city one shao culture calligraphy exhibition" "was successfully held in the xiamen tongan cultural center, displaying 137 works.
邵文化,男,1955年8月出生,厦门人。现为中国书法家协会会员,中国国际书画艺术研究会会员, 中国诗书画协会副秘书长, 北京行官书画院副院长,洛阳市颜真卿研究会名誉会长,洛阳市“ 邵雍书画院 ″ 副院长,厦门市炎黄文化研究会海峡两岸书画交流委员会副主任,加拿大中华文化研究院特聘书法家。《甘棠書院》书法委员会顾问。书法作品曾多次在全国书法大赛中获奖; 部分作品被全国书画大赛组委会及国家领导人收藏。
2012年参加 “法国卢浮宫中国书画名家邀请展″,作品入编《法国卢浮宫中国书画名家邀请展精品集》;20l3年到韩国首尔参加《中国国粹书画艺术韩国展》开幕式及展览交流活动,作品《物华天宝》被韩国书画家协会收藏;2014年赴法国巴黎参加《中法建交50周年书画艺术交流展》开幕式和现场交流活动,书法作品《长寿歌》被法国收藏界收藏;书法作品《和王中丞闻琴》被中国驻法大使馆收藏,被授予 “戴高乐艺术奖 ″。许多作品参加美国、加拿大、法国、英国、澳大利亚、韩国、日本、新加坡等十多个国家与地区的展览、交流并被收藏。
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