Artist | 艺术名家

  • Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

  • Product description: Guo Fengjuan - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
The word of Guo Fengjuan moon, was born in February 1967 in Hebei, Cangzhou. Graduated from Hebei Normal University, middle school teacher. The association of China calligraphy member and Chinese Poetry Association, Hebei Province, Cangzhou City, vice president of the association of poetry poetry couplets Association vice chairman of Cangzhou City, hard Calligrapher Association of Cangzhou City Youth Calligraphers Association, a member of Cangzhou Writers Association and the Cangzhou city elderly literary society honorary member and Cangxian Calligraphers Association, President of pen a member of Cangxian Writers Association, Chinese bangshu Research Council member of Nanpi branch, such as calligraphy correspondence school principal.
Since childhood, love painting and calligraphy, literature. To participate in the national and international painting contest, so far has won more than 300 times. Work or resume income "world celebrities", "world painting and a dictionary", "Chinese contemporary hard pen calligraphy masters ceremony" and so on more than 600 dictionaries, has been appointed Honorary Professor, Chinese and foreign famous painting art Research Institute China international press special adviser Editorial Committee of more than 200 staff, is authentic works Canada, the United States, Britain, France, Japan and many countries of Southeast asia. In 2009, his personal works and resumes were selected as CCTV's impressions of china. In 2014 2017, the State Post Bureau has published its free personalized calligraphy collection album 6.
In literature, he has a passion for traditional poetry creation. The author of 200 books of Poetry (personal release published 2 volumes), 5 more than the first; for "Chinese poetry ceremony" and more than 200 professional dictionaries.

Public spirited undertaking. Founded in February 1997 as a hard pen calligraphy correspondence writing calligraphy class center, more than 10 kinds of teaching materials, compulsory teaching, cultivation of students across the country has more than 5 people. The organization of the school students to participate in various domestic and international calligraphy competition, a total of 609 awards, for large art classics 17. Have participated in the Wenchuan earthquake, Yushu earthquake and other painting fund-raising activities. So far, the 8 stage of calligraphy and painting salon activities has been held in Cangzhou library. The 20 stage of calligraphy class training has been held and 12 lectures on poetry will be held. In December 2016, the organization recommended 30 children calligraphy works were selected by the association of Chinese calligraphy editor, Chinese children's Literature Press published, the Xinhua Bookstore issued a large series of "Chinese contemporary literature art pen calligraphy masters ceremony" (Jing Yingjuan's), editorial board of Cangzhou library was awarded as "contemporary calligraphy classroom hard calligraphy altar elite education". The recommended Yang Mengyan's hard work was selected at the "peace art Tsinghua art and calligraphy exhibition" held at the innovation building of Tsinghua University in Beijing in May 31, 2017".

郭凤娟  字如月,1967年2月生于河北沧州。毕业于河北师大,中学教师。现任中国硬笔书法协会会员、中华诗词协会会员、河北省诗词协会会员、沧州市诗词楹联协会副会长、沧州市硬笔书法家协会副主席、沧州市青年书法家协会理事、沧州市作家协会会员、沧州市老年文学社荣誉社员、沧县硬笔书法家协会主席、沧县作家协会会员、中国榜书研究会南皮分会会员、如月硬笔书法函授中心校长等。