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  • Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家
  • Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家
  • Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家
  • Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家
  • Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家
  • Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家
  • Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家
Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家

Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家

  • Product description: Cao Li- Sydney Art | 澳洲悉尼书画网特邀艺术家

Cao Li was born in April 1941. He was born in April 1941. He was a national calligrapher. He was a native of Chongqing. Xiang Shi family has loved calligraphy and painting since childhood. In recent years, active art circles have fused the essence of three, and the style of writing has become one. He has won many gold and porcelain exhibitions at home and abroad, and his works have been compiled, collected and treasured. The awards of the 2008 Shanghai Art World Expo were awarded the titles of famous Chinese calligraphers; the 2012 Seoul Art World Expo gold medal was awarded the titles of contemporary Chinese calligraphers and painters; and in 2014 the first national first-class artists network was certified and awarded the national first-class artists by the Beijing People's Painting Academy (including the national first-class artists). Calligrapher) a seal. He was a member of the Chinese Hard-pen Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association (International), a vice-president of the Wuling Calligraphers and Painters Association (National Level 1), a member of the Artists'Academy Committee of the Ministry of Personnel of China, a member of the Jiangjin Calligraphers' Association of Chongqing, a senior honorary academician of the Shenzhou Academy of Art of Singapore, a special senior calligrapher and painter, Academician of Fengshui Academy of painting and calligraphy, and visiting professor of China Oriental Art Research Institute.

曹立,字建树,生于1941年4月,国家一级书法家,重庆江津人,大专英语。香世门第,自幼酷爱书画。 近些年活跃艺坛,融三大家精髓,书风自成一格。曾多次获国内外书画名家精品展金奖,作品被收编、收藏、珍藏等。 2008年上海艺术世博会获奖被授予中国著名书法家称号;2012年韩国首尔艺术世博会金奖被授予中国当代书画名家称号;2014年首个国家一级美术师网审定认证并由国家一级画院——北京人民画院颁发国家一级美术师(含国家一级书法家)印章一枚。 曾中国硬笔书法家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员(国际),中国武陵书画家协会副会长(国家一级),中国人事部艺术家学部委员会会员,重庆江津书法家协会会员,新加坡神州艺术院高级名誉院士、特聘高级书画师,中国九州枫林书画院院士,中国东方艺术研究院客座教授等。