Artist | 艺术名家

  • Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

  • Product description: Lian Weidong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
      连卫东,号爱莲居主人,林州市 桂林镇人,出生于淅河淇畔,莲莲书画院创始人,林州市美术家协会会员,2001年开始学画,先后受北京大学公共艺术研究所研究员兼北大资源艺术传媒学院副院长候光飞,中国水墨荷花新意第一人韩伟华老师,中国国际和平艺术节“爱心大使”王麒诚熏陶,李广军,米和平等大师指导。其作品在安阳市总工会,金融系统举办的画展上多次获奖,一等奖作品有《清辉映照》《鸿运当头》;二等奖作品有《荷趣图》,《太行观云图》《太行山水》。2015年6月21日上午,“红旗渠草根画家《水墨荷花》系列画展”在河南省林州市紫光阁书画院举办,林州市文联及社会各界人士,热爱中国水墨画的爱好者参加了画展。2016年为纪念建党95周年市文联特邀在我市隆滤巷美术家协会展厅举行个人画展。2010年中州书画院经研究审核选举中,特聘为河南中州书画院理事。艺术作品多次参加国展、省、市美术展并获得奖。有部分作品被艺术机构收藏。2010年安阳市“迎国庆”职工绘画比赛中,作品“清辉映照”荣获一等奖,2012年林州市迎“七一”职工书画作品展览中荣获了二等奖。2012年安阳市迎“七一”职工书画展中荣获三等奖。市文联举办的‘“劳动美、太行情”职工书画摄影比赛中荣获二等奖,安阳市银行职工书画摄影比赛中,作品“荷香”“荷趣”荣获绘画类二等奖,2015年作品“荷韵”入选“泼墨太行”首届美术双年展,2015年荣获“抗战胜利70周年”美术作品展优秀奖,第二届“翰墨盛世杯”全国书画大赛“荷”荣获优秀作品奖,“中国第七届书画大赛”中获得优秀作品奖,“中国第八届书画大赛”中获得优秀作品奖,“中国第十届书画大赛”中获得优秀作品奖,2017年“中澳国际双城书画大赛”中获得优秀作品奖,2017年首届“一 带一路”全国书画大赛中荣获了“铜奖”,2017年中国书画影响力人物评选活动中,荣获“中国书画影响力人物”亚军。
Lian Weidong, No. Eileen in master of Guilin in Linzhou City, town, Qi was born in Xihe River, lotus lotus painting founder, member of Linzhou Artists Association, 2001 start painting, successively by the deputy researcher of Public Art Institute of Peking University and Peking University Art Institute of media resources of long waiting light fly, Chinese ink first lotus new Han Weihua the teacher, Chinese International Peace Festival "ambassadors" Wang Qicheng influence, Li Guangjun, m and equal master guide. It works in Anyang City Federation of trade unions, the art exhibition of the financial system on the award-winning works "or" first prize "Juno" mapping; two Prize Works of "Dutch Odd Photos", "the concept of" cloud "Taihang Taihang Mountains". The morning of June 21, 2015, the "canal" ink "series of lotus roots artist Exhibition" held in Linzhou City, Henan Province, Linzhou City Federation of calligraphy and painting, and people from all walks of life, love Chinese ink painting enthusiasts to participate in the exhibition. In 2016, in order to commemorate the founding of the 95th anniversary cities, the Federation of literature and art was invited to carry out the personal exhibition in the exhibition hall of the Artists Association of our city. In 2010, Zhongzhou Academy of painting and calligraphy was selected as the director of Zhongzhou Henan calligraphy and painting academy. Art works participated in the exhibition, the province and the city art exhibition and won the prize. Some of the works are collected by art institutions. 2010 Anyang city welcome day workers painting contest, "works or maps" won the first prize, in 2012 to Linzhou to welcome the "71" workers in calligraphy and painting exhibition won the two prize. In 2012, Anyang won the "three" prize in the "71" staff painting and calligraphy exhibition. She held the "labor" beauty, Taihang "workers painting photography contest and won the two prize, Anyang city bank workers painting photography contest works" Lotus "," Lotus "won the painting prize two, 2015" Dutch rhyme "selected" ink Taihang "first art biennial, 2015 won the" victory 70th anniversary "Art exhibition Excellence Award, the second" calligraphy spirit Cup "national calligraphy competition" Hollywood "won the award for outstanding works," won the award for outstanding works China seventh painting contest "," won the award for outstanding works China eighth painting contest "," won the award for outstanding works China tenth painting and calligraphy contest ", won the outstanding award in 2017" Australia International Shuangcheng painting and calligraphy contest "in 2017, the first" The Belt and Road "national painting and calligraphy competition won the" Bronze Award ", 2017 Chinese painting and calligraphy influential personage selection activities, won the "Chinese painting and calligraphy influential figures" runner up.