Artist | 艺术名家

  • Yang Yaoguang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Yang Yaoguang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
Yang Yaoguang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Yang Yaoguang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

Yang Yaoguang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

  • Product description: Yang Yaoguang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院



1985年--1987年在河南省书法函授学院学习,后一直苦练书法,并独创篆书一体,形成了自己的风格特点。自2007年始参加全国各类书法大赛活动,在纪念毛泽东词‘蝶恋花答李淑一’发表50周年,在康有为逝世80周年,在国学奖海内外书法作品邀请展,在中国奥运年全国书法大赛,在炎黄杯国际书法大赛,在首届‘滕王阁杯’书画大赛,在第四届金鼎奖书法大赛,在第七届‘庐山杯’书画大赛,在毛泽东诞辰114周年书画大赛,在首届‘黄河魂’全国书画大赛中获奖,在庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年全国书画名家作品展中获一等奖,在中华文人第五届全国诗书画名家作品邀请展中获二等奖,在第八届‘中华颂’全国文学艺术大赛中获一等奖,在首届‘兵马俑杯’国际书画大赛中获银奖,在纪念徐悲鸿先生诞辰115周年全国书画大赛中获优秀奖等等。并于2009年12月参加了澳门回归10 周年香港澳门书画交流展,获第二届“中国民间书画精品”大赛二等奖。入展2012全国“百名书法家写丽江”大型主题诗词书法展三等奖。入展2012首届中国农村文化节书法展。获第十五届世界华人艺术大会国际银奖。2013全球华侨华人书画大赛一等奖。入选2013年第四届中国国家艺术网书画展,2010年七月参加了为期10天的日本韩国书画交流活动。2013年12月一单字福在广东惠州拍卖8万元全部捐赠教育事业,2014年9月获中原首届知识产权作品原创书画展一等奖,2014年12月26日在全国草人杯书画大赛中获特别优秀奖,2014年12月28日在2014民族魂中国梦首届德艺双馨杯全国书画大赛中获二等奖。获2015佛韵中华全国美术书法艺术作品展金奖,在2016年6月纪念中国共产党成立95周年长征胜利80周年书画大展中获一等奖,在2016年9月中国首届电子商务杯全国书画大赛中获银奖,其作品被国内外多家单位和个人收藏。并在中国书画报,香港美术报,中华民间书画报,中华民间书画报,翰墨名家报。中央国家机关美术报等宣传报道。

         现为北京今史艺术学研究院常务副院长,中华海峡两岸书画艺术家协会副主席,中国乡土协会龙文化研究院常务副院长,中国国情艺术研究院副院长,中国干部书画艺术研究院会员,中国非物质文化遗产保护联盟书画艺术委员会会员,人民艺术家协会会员,中国艺术家协会会员, 中国书画院会员,中国当代名家艺术研究院院士,中国华夏万里行书画家协会研究员,中国艺术收藏家协会名誉付主席,中国国际艺术家协会艺术顾问,中华国礼特邀书画家,世界精英书画艺术研究院研究员,中国香港美术家协会会员,香港国际华人书画家协会河南分会副主席,中国翰林院书画家协会理事,中央国家机关美术报会员,全国名人书画艺术界联合会委员,美国中国书法家协会会员。中华民间书画名家联合会专家会员。毛泽东诗词书画研究院名誉院长,中国民间书画研究会河南分会副会长,中国名人名家书画院院士,,东坡书画院研究员,中国古文化艺术研究会特邀学部委员,安徽书画交易网管理委员会副主席,黄河书画院院士,,北京希斯杰商业联盟艺术顾问。中国书画协会中国会员等职。文化部第八期高极书法家,被文化部中国文化遗产保护研究院评为一级书法师,还被聘为中国文化遗产保护研究院书画委员会学术委员,被授予中华文化遗产保护传承大师。;电话;13949466406。河南省宝丰县大营镇南街村348号,邮编467492

Art resume

Yang Yaoguang, male, born in August 1959. No. Moren Funiu, room number, antique pavilion. Living in the South Street Village, Daying Town, Baofeng County, Henan province.

In 1985 --1987 years of study in Henan province calligraphy correspondence school, has been practicing calligraphy, seal and the original one, formed its own style and features. Since the beginning of 2007 to participate in various national calligraphy contest, in honor of Mao Zedong word "Dielianhua a. Li Shu" published in 50th anniversary, Kang Youwei died in 80th anniversary, in the exhibition of calligraphy works at home and abroad Ancient Chinese Literature Search award, in Chinese Olympic National Calligraphy Contest in glory Cup International Calligraphy competition, in the first "Pavilion of Prince Teng Cup" painting and calligraphy competition, in the fourth session of the golden prize in the seventh session of the calligraphy contest, "Mount Lu Cup" painting and calligraphy competition, in Mao Zedong's 114th anniversary painting contest, winning in the first "spirit of the Yellow River" National Painting and calligraphy competition, won the first prize in People's Republic of China to celebrate the establishment of 60th anniversary National Painting and calligraphy exhibition, the Fifth National Poetry in Chinese literati painting and calligraphy works exhibition. Two prize, won the first prize in the eighth session of the "Chinese national song" literature and art in the first contest, "Terracotta Army Cup" International In the calligraphy and painting competition won silver award, in commemoration of Mr. Xu Beihong's birthday 115th anniversary National Calligraphy and painting competition won the Excellence Award and so on. In December 2009, he attended the 10th anniversary Hongkong Macao painting and calligraphy exchange exhibition in Macao, and won the two prize of the second China folk painting and calligraphy competition. Exhibition of 2012 national "hundred calligraphers write Lijiang" large theme poetry and calligraphy exhibition three prize.  The 2012 China Rural Culture Festival calligraphy exhibition. International Silver Award for the fifteenth World Chinese art conference. 2013 overseas Chinese calligraphy and painting competition first prize. Selected in 2013 the fourth China National Art Net book exhibition, in July 2010 participated in the 10 days of Japan and Korea calligraphy and painting exchange activities.  In December 2013 80 thousand in Guangdong Huizhou word Fu Yuan auction donated education, September 2014 won the first prize of the first central intellectual property of original works of painting and calligraphy exhibition, in December 26, 2014 won the special award for excellence in the country, painting and calligraphy contest, in December 28, 2014 won the two prize in the 2014 national soul dream Chinese first DeYiShuangXin Cup National Painting and calligraphy competition.  Won the 2015 Buddha rhyme of Chinese art of calligraphy art exhibition Gold Award, in June 2016 to commemorate the founding of the Communist Party of Chinese 95th anniversary victory of the long march 80th anniversary painting exhibition won first prize, won the silver medal in September 2016 China first e-commerce Cup National Painting and calligraphy competition, its work at home and abroad a number of units and individuals. And in the China book illustrated, Hongkong art, Chinese folk painting and calligraphy, Chinese folk Book pictorial, calligraphy masters newspaper. Propaganda report of central state organs art newspaper.

Is currently the vice chairman of cross-strait Chinese Painting Artists Association, executive vice president Chinese local association of Dragon Culture Research Institute, vice president of the National Academy of Arts Chinese, Chinese cadres of painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute member, Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Alliance painting art committee member, member of the people's Artist Association, member of China Artists Association, member of China book the Academy, academician Chinese Contemporary Painting Art Research Institute, Chinese Huaxia Wanli script Painters Association researcher, Chinese art collectors association honorary chairman for International Artists Association, Chinese art consultant, China gift book invited painter, painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute researcher at the world elite, Chinese member of Hongkong Artists Association, vice chairman of the Hongkong International Chinese Calligraphers Association Henan branch, director of painting and Calligraphy Association Chinese Imperial Academy, the central state organs of the United States He was a member of the National Federation of famous artists and calligraphers, and a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association of america.  Expert member of the Federation of Chinese folk painting and calligraphy masters. Honorary president of the Mao Zedong poetry painting and Calligraphy Institute, vice president of the Henan branch of Chinese Folk Painting Research Association, academician, Chinese celebrity famous painting and calligraphy, painting and Calligraphy Institute Dongpo researcher, academician of Chinese invited ancient culture art, Anhui painting and calligraphy exchange network management committee vice chairman, the Yellow River calligraphy Academy, Beijing, Xisijie business alliance art consultant. Chinese painting and Calligraphy Association, Chinese members and other positions. The Ministry of culture Chinese Cultural Heritage Protection Research Institute as a master book, the Ministry of culture eighth senior calligrapher, was appointed Academic Committee of calligraphy and painting China Cultural Heritage Protection Research Institute, was awarded the master of the protection of cultural heritage. website; phone; 13949466406. 348, South Street Village, Daying Town, Baofeng County, Henan Province, 467492