Artist | 艺术名家

  • Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  • Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

  • Product description: Meiliqiong - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
现为中国书法家协会会员、中国书画界形象大使,CCTV《感恩中国》栏目年度人物评选颁奖组委会书画总监,CCTV《全民健身 健康中国》栏目春晚组委会书画总监。《国礼在线》执行总编                国际品牌国礼文化联合会执行主席    国际文化产业联合会执行主席    北京礼宾点赞国际艺术品鉴定中心总鉴定师   国展评委、中国企业书画艺术协会书画总监、囯际文化产业联合会公益大使、北京星光影视园名家书画作品联展组委会艺术总监、书画中国公益行组委会执行主任、北京新华融媒书画院总经理兼书画院院长、中华艺术家协会副主席;中华文化传播大使、中美文化传播大使、亚洲最具影响力风云人物书法家唯一代表;中华文化艺术名家联合会副主席、中国书协《艺术资本》理事会副主席、中外文化交流中心理事,中国双拥联合会副主席、中国拥军人网副总监、中国书画名家副总编、中国国画艺术书画院副院长、中国孔子诗书画艺术画院副院长、《中国新农村月刊》文化部主任、《当代名家名作国礼典藏》编委会执行主编等职。
梅丽琼女士书法造诣之深、功底之厚、靡声中外,素有“江南翰墨女王”、“京都书豪”的美誉。当年全国记者高峰论坛“传递正能量,提升竞争力”大型会议的题字人,曾为世界8大金奖建筑、中国唯一入选建筑“桥上书屋”题写门楼;为中国国礼榜首98投洽一号“白叶塘茶业”、“白芽奇兰”题写牌匾和国际商标,为孔子最高奖《孔子奖章》题写牌匾;为山东青州唯一的国营美术馆 “新华美术馆”题写牌匾,为山东济宁兴隆文化园题写牌匾,为山东滋阳山山门题写牌匾,为湖北石门山景区、河南大别山景区题写匾额;为福建省8大景点中第一最聚人气景点观川至题写牌匾;为闽南第一高峰题写大石头“闽南第一高峰”;为大型神话电影《后稷康史》题写片名,全国文学大奖赛题写主题、为钓鱼台国宾馆、人民大会堂、全国政协礼堂活动题写主题;为福建漳州大型古建筑威惠庙大唐儒教开漳圣王等20多家题写庙门;汉碑隶书《登高望远》被北京4A级旅游景区桃源仙谷锲刻在主峰,梅丽琼汉碑隶书20米长卷喷绘《黄河赋》亮相在北京国际雕刻公园……“一带一路”阿根廷-中国贸易投资论坛隆重开幕,国礼文化形象大使梅丽琼女士用中英文为大会题写的主题《中阿人民友谊万岁》汉碑隶书作为国礼,被阿根廷中商生产工业和贸易商会主席卡洛斯斯帕多内先生(Carlos Spadone)收藏!
         一带一路”丝路文化与艺术大展。暨。   高峰论坛成功举办梅丽琼《朱子家训》四条屏亮相雁栖湖,这次国际艺术大展,汇聚了范曾、何家英、孙其峰、崔如琢、田英章等50位艺术大师作品,梅丽琼汉碑隶书《朱子家训》是这次大展最大篇幅作品,让人震撼!”

Meiliqiong: meiliqiong, from famous calligrapher shen peng and zou dezhong. He lives in Beijing. Currently he is member of Chinese calligrapher's association, Chinese painting industry image ambassador, CCTV "Thanksgiving China" person of the year competition awards organizing committee director of painting and calligraphy, China central television (CCTV) presentation of "national fitness health China" gala calligraphy and painting, director of the organizing committee. "The country gift online" managing editor of international brand federation, executive chairman of national gift culture The international cultural industry association executive chairman Concierge thumb up Beijing international art appraisal center total appraiser who both judges, China enterprise director of painting and calligraphy, painting and calligraphy art association 囯 international cultural industry association charity ambassador, Beijing star, film and television art director of famous painting and calligraphy exhibition by the organizing committee, calligraphy and painting, executive director of the organizing committee of the Chinese public line, Beijing huarong new media art academy, managing and academy chief, the Chinese artists association, vice chairman; The ambassador of Chinese culture communication, ambassador of cultural communication of China and the United States, and the only representative of the most influential calligrapher in Asia; Famous artists association, vice chairman of the Chinese culture art, China shuxie art capital council, vice chairman, director of the Chinese and foreign cultural exchange center, China supports federation vice-chairman, vice director of China's support for human, deputy chief editor of Chinese painting and calligraphy masters, and China's Confucius, vice President of the Chinese traditional Chinese painting art painting and art academies, journal of China's new countryside, vice President of the ministry of culture, director of contemporary famous artwork country gift collection board executive editor and so on. Ms. Mei liqiong's calligraphy is a profound, powerful and powerful sound, which is known as "the queen of the south of the south China" and "Kyoto book hao". The national press peak BBS "positive energy, enhance competitiveness" TiZiRen large meeting, for the world eight gold prize, the only Chinese in random house "the bridge" inscribed gate house; For the Chinese national ceremony, no. 98, no. 98, no. 1, "white tea,"