Artist | 艺术名家

  • Li Zhenrui - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
Li Zhenrui - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

Li Zhenrui - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

  • Product description: Li Zhenrui - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
      李鎮銳,一九五五年七月出生,廣東潮州人,中國書法家協會會員,國家一法家級美術師,中國書畫藝術家協會副主席,廣東私立華聯學院客座教授,中國工藝美術家協會會員,廣東省文化學會理事,廣東省書法家協會會員,香港潮汕國際書畫總會會員,中國翰青畫院副院長,潮州市書法家協會原常務理事。 一九七五年參軍入伍,歷任戰士、排長、連長、參謀、作訓股長、團副參謀長、參謀長、副团长、雷达兵处副!处长。转业后任潮州市公安局交警机动大队教导员、治安管理支队副支队长。 曾就读于桂林步兵学校、武汉空军雷达学院、海南师范学院。 自幼酷爱书法艺术,几十年来临池不辍,楷书以柳体入手,遍临欧、颜、赵诸体,行草以二王、米南宫、赵松雪、孙过庭、王铎为基,旁涉篆、隶,尤精行草和小楷。自一九八四年开始发表作品,其作品多次参加军内外大型展览并获奖。復入展全国第六届楹联书法展,全国第三届扇面书法展,第十届全国书法篆刻作品展,首届白居易杯全国书画大奖赛特别金奖,纪念毛泽东词“答李淑一”发表五十周年全国书画大赛金奖,首届广东省新人新作书法展优秀作品奖,第三届广东省南雅奖书法篆刻展,广东省庆祝建国六十周年笔歌墨舞颂中华双拥书法大展三等奖。 作品被中国巜国家画廊》、《书画博览》、《中国书画名家名作典藏》、《中国现代书画篆刻界名人録》、《当代书画家珍迹选辑等几十部大型画册收录。个人艺术事迹在2007年出版的《盛世广东》做了专题介绍。被授予“中国当代书画名家”和“中国当代最具影响力书画家”,荣获2016中国好品牌艺术人物榜CCTV品牌影响力书法家。
Li Zhenrui, born in July 1955, Guangdong Chaozhou people, a member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, the national school level artist, vice chairman of China calligraphy artist association, guest professor of Guangdong Private Hualian College, a member of China Artists Association, director of the Cultural Institute of Guangdong Province, member of Guangdong Calligraphers Association, Hongkong Shantou International Painting and Calligraphy Association, Vice President John Chinese youth academy Chaozhou City Calligraphers Association, former executive director. Joined the army in 1975, served as soldiers, platoon leader, company commander, chief of staff, the training group chief, deputy chief of staff, chief of staff, deputy chief, deputy radarman! A director。 Who served as the Chaozhou Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Police mobile brigade instructor, public security management detachment vice captains. He studied at the Guilin Infantry School, the Wuhan Air Force Radar Institute, and the Hainan Normal University. His childhood love of calligraphy art, decades of linchi still, to Liu script of times Pro European, Yan, Zhao Zhu body, cursive is based on the two kings of Nangong, Zhao Songxue, Sun Guoting, Mickey Wang Duo, concerning a fragrance, especially fine, and cursive characters. Since its publication in 1984, his works have participated in large exhibitions both at home and abroad and won prizes. The complex into the exhibition of the Sixth National Exhibition of calligraphy couplets, Third National fan calligraphy exhibition, the tenth national calligraphy exhibition, the first Bai Juyi Cup National Calligraphy Grand Prix special gold medal to commemorate Mao Zedong, the word "a Li Shu" published 50th anniversary National Painting and calligraphy competition first prize, Guangdong new book calligraphy exhibition Excellence Award, third Guangdong Nanya award seal calligraphy exhibition in Guangdong Province, to celebrate the third-prize founding 60th anniversary characters Chinese calligraphy exhibition to support. That Chinese works by the National Gallery "," painting "," painting and calligraphy exhibition Chinese masterpieces collection "," China of modern painting and celebrities recorded "," contemporary painting and calligraphy etc.. Now trace dozens of large book collection. Personal artistic deeds were featured in the 2007 issue of the spirit of Guangdong. He was awarded "China contemporary painting and calligraphy expert" and "China's most influential contemporary painting and calligraphy artist", won 2016 China's good brand art figures list, CCTV brand influence calligrapher.