Artist | 艺术名家

  •  Fang Huang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  •  Fang Huang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  •  Fang Huang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
  •  Fang Huang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
 Fang Huang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院 Fang Huang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院 Fang Huang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院 Fang Huang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

Fang Huang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院

  • Product description: Fang Huang - Sydney Academy of Art | 悉尼中国书画院
       方 煌 個人藝 術 简 歷 方 煌 (石道子) 职業畫家 徽州.绩 溪 人 雅 号:梁安山樵 徽州半耕草堂堂主 。国家二级美术师 。中國國畫藝術研究院院土 主任研究员 秘書長 。 方煌,生于鍾靈毓秀美麗黄山之麓 ,新安畫派发源地,新安江畔古徽州商賈重镇~屯溪。 其深受徽州傳統思想文化及新安畫派熏陶和影響,深受其慈父的言傳身教及影響,自幼多痴迷書畫音樂。 年稍長,幸得以供职于百年老字號~~徽州起首胡開文老店,近三十余載,文墨浸染,藝事得以精長…。 藝術的生命在于個性,作为畫家的他深谙此理,其众多作品极具個性。 認爲任何一門藝術并没有约定俗成、放之四海皆准的审美理論与准則,只有依赖于傅統的审美理念,即抽象与具象的結合、自然纯朴与人文的結合、形神与氣韵的统一及综合的考量才是合乎实践的唯一標准。 任何一门藝術都有着自己的基准与情趣,这与每個人的文化内涵及修为是密不可分的。为此,其广泛閱歷大江南北及雲迹山水河谷之間,广交書畫同道之友,虚懷若谷,廣泛求索,不断提高自己综合素养及藝術技能和方法。他广泛求教,不断提升自身各方面的修为。 “多見者博,多聞者智” 这是方煌所信奉的,也是其在探索藝術旅途上孜孜以求的和努力实踐的。 方 煌,经常参加国内外各类文化交流及公益活动,其作品曾被台湾、香港、新加坡、日本、韩国、意大利等国家和地区友人收藏,尤其,他用其特有的笔触語言和靈性,运用西方的"三维意识"、"光和作用",巧妙地集中国水墨笔触元素,和"纸墨效益",唯美与兼工写意有機地結會運用,使之以独特的藝術语言和藝術手法,以浓郁的江南徽州乡村故士的生活气息,倾心地真誠地表达出了这片伴随他成长和一路走来的徽州故土和濃濃故鄉情懷。 这,在他的每件作品中,就能够感受到他的徽州情懷和独特的感悟。 其藝術歷程: 1992年9月《徽州烟云图》水墨国画作品被日本泛亚细亚文化交流大会入选,并被日本国安部牡丹园美术馆珍藏; 1991年10月参加日本國“91《中國四季》” 文化藝術交流邀请赛,并榮獲三等奖; 2000年元月,作品《徽州古韵》青花系列之一,之二入選加拿大“世界书画家走向二十一世纪”書畫藝術邀請大赛,且录入图册且榮獲表彰; 2003年2月作品《故里韵》入選韩国“03中国文化节”巡回邀請展并榮獲优秀成绩~银質奖項; 2011年7月元一集团公司为方煌先生在安徽省合肥希尔頓國際大酒店成功举办了《徽州•古韵》古典民居水墨作品個人專題畫展。 2013年~2014年度,作品被國家邮政总局,中國集邮協會,中國集邮网录選参加"科學發展,建設美麗中國"全國大型公益性活動并被收录《中國邮册》名典, 2014年~2015年出版发行了小型张邮票、手机电话充值卡,首日封纪念邮票及明信片,同時制作出“科学发展,建設美丽中國”银質紀念邮册。 2016年度七月在隆重的庆祝中國共產黨成立九十五周年《时代先锋》为主題"翰墨丹青耀中華”大型纪念活動中.其多幅作品被選,录入限量版珍藏邮册。 2016.5,其以江南徽州古典民居風光为主题創作的《走進徽州故里》水墨國畫系列作品,成功入選美國郵政出版局集郵集團美國國1家名片并出版发行。 同時,其作品又荣幸地被录入中美建交37周年纪念邮册限量珍藏版,榮狀“中美杰出華人藝術家”称号。
Personal resume Fang Huang Fang Huang (Shi Daozi) occupation painter of Huizhou. Jixi people nickname: Qiao Huizhou Anshan beam semi farming cottage hall. Two national artists. Chinese painting art academy, director of the Institute of soil, researcher, Secretary general. Fang Huang, born in the beautiful land of the foot of Mount Huangshan, the birthplace of the Xin'an school, the Xin'an River in ancient Huizhou city merchants in Tunxi. The Huizhou traditional culture and deeply influenced by the Xin'an school, and is deeply influenced by the father, was more obsessed with music and calligraphy. Years longer, the privilege of serving in a hundred years old, Huizhou first Hu Kaiwen old, nearly 30 years, Schwimmer disseminated, French to long.... The art of life lies in the personality, as he knows this painter, his many works very personality. That any art and no universal convention, put all quasi aesthetic theory and aesthetic standards, only rely on the concept of Yu Fu, that is the combination of abstract and figurative, natural and humanistic spirit and spirit of unity, with comprehensive consideration and is in line with the practice of the only standard. Any art has its own standards and taste, which is closely related to each person's cultural content and the repair. Therefore, the extensive experience of cloud valley landscape on both sides of the Changjiang River and make friends, fellow painting, very modest, extensive search, and constantly improve their comprehensive qualities and artistic skills and methods. He widely asked for advice, and constantly improve their own various aspects of repair. "See Bo, who learned wisdom" this is Fang Huang belief, also in the exploration of art on the journey and diligently strive after hard practice. Fang Huang, often at home and abroad to participate in various cultural exchanges and public welfare activities, the work has been in Taiwan, Hongkong, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Italy and other countries and regions, in particular, his friend, with its unique style of language and spirituality, using western "3D consciousness", "light and action", skillfully in China ink painting elements, and "paper ink benefit", aesthetic and freehand brushwork and work organically will use, making it a unique artistic language and artistic, with rich Jiangnan Rural Huizhou so, life breath, heart sincerely express this with his growth and along the way Huizhou native and deep nostalgia. This, in each of his works, will be able to feel his Huizhou feelings and unique insights. The art history: September 1992 "Huizhou cloud map" ink painting works by the Japanese Pan Asia Cultural Exchange Conference was selected, and the national security ministry Peony Garden Art Museum collection in October 1991 in Japan; Japan's "91 seasons" "China" culture and art exchange tournament, and won third-prize; in January 2000, one of the works "Huizhou ancient" blue and white series, the two selected Canada "world calligraphy painting and calligraphy art contest invited to the twenty-first Century", and the album won recognition and entry; February 2003 works "hometown rhyme" selected South Korea "03 Chinese Festival Tour Exhibition and won the outstanding achievement award in July 2011 ~ Silver; yuan a group for the party in Mr. Huang Anhui Province, Hefei Hilton Kokusai Hotel successfully held the" Huizhou ancient dwellings "- classical ink works personal special exhibition. The year 2013 ~2014, works by the State Post Bureau, China Philatelic Association, Chinese philatelic book selected for the "scientific development and build a beautiful Chinese national large-scale public welfare activities and included" Chinese Youce "code, 2014 ~ 2015 published a small stamp, mobile phone recharge cards, first day covers commemorative stamps and postcards at the same time to produce the" scientific development, the construction of the beautiful Chinese "Silver Commemorative stamps. In July 2016 in the grand celebration of the founding of the Communist Party of China 95th anniversary "pioneer times" as the theme of "calligraphy painting Yao China large-scale commemorative activities. Many of his works were selected, limited edition album entry. 2016.5, with the theme of "Huizhou classical residence" in the south of the Yangtze River, the series of Chinese ink paintings of "entering Huizhou's hometown" were successfully selected and published by the postal Publishing Bureau of America, the Philatelic group, the 1 American countries and their business cards. At the same time, the work has the honor of being entered China 37th Anniversary Limited Edition commemorative stamps, wing shaped "Sino US outstanding Chinese artist" title.